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finite first day..

Malakai's first day of pre-preschool was one that I actually missed. I rendered this from a photo that the lovely misses took, and he seemed so melancholy...I may have exaggerated this emotion, but I hope I captured it. He happens to love school now.


Anonymous said…
You made him look like a sad Beany!
Anonymous said…
Nice drawing. I wouldn't believe you'd sopped drawing looking at this... But come to think of it I don't recall seeing any of your drawings before... You must have been phenomenal!
c'mon man... you don't have to come at me like that!!! I do alright... not like you, but I try! Imma start posting some work, cause the love feels so nice!
Vee (Scratch) said…
That looks like the first day of school. I wonder how do you explain to a young child that he has to go away from home alone?

(Vee = Scratch)
Unknown said…
well this happened to be preschool first day, where mom goes with him and sticks around for orientation etc... by the time he was at the bus stop for kindergarten, he was actually excited to go. I know what you mean.. this drawing captured the essence of your question, because he didn't actually know what was next.

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