Ibaraki_Kasugaoka. This Japanese Architect has constructed the perfect building, for me, in which to worship. My reasoning, is due to the reduction of religious iconography which leads to, well, religion. Since Yeshua didn't come to create a religion, I feel simplicity best suits worship of an unseen Creator. Though I would never want to reduce the importance of the work completed upon the cross, the symbol of my shame and at the same time the triumph of my Messiah. Furthermore, Yeshua speaks of how HE is the light of the world and came into this world to save, by way of the cross... This building, as a place to worship, complements singleness of though and focus, not on earthly objects, but the very light that is the symbol of life and a picture of Yeshua.
its great to be able to see and read your thoughts
Shelly Shel
I didn't know Aga is in China, pretty cool. He's the REAL international jet setter, not me! :)
Shelly Shel