I look at this example in our lives as such a personal way to give to another, and then I think of a Savior that did the same on a basis that transcended time and space. Many people look to Jesus as either a: Savior, good teacher, prophet, sage, inciter, liar or a lunatic. However, if we approach this man openly, willing to read and explore who He is, he speaks from centuries past. His voice is loud if not louder than any time in history, yet so many choose ignorance. Perhaps there are people in this world that would refuse the blood of a Jewish person, or perhaps a Hindu, Islamist or maybe a Black person.. for whatever reason, call it prejudice, hatred, or religion... to deny something that could save your life..
Its been said Jesus or by his Hebrew name, Yeshua, has paid it all... with his blood, and it holds no boundaries. His blood rights all wrongs and washes the soul to be without blemish, perfect. Yeshua speaks of Himself as the Lamb of God, whose sacrificed blood would, if we allow it, take away the imperfections or sins of the world...but He left that choice up to us... His word were if you believe in me and in what I've done to free you... you will be free...