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stages of teddy bear life

Artist Stephanie Metz does a wonderful service to life with this incredible idea. The stages of development from a teddy bears perspective, in which children, might gain an understanding of the miracle of life. What an imaginative way to simplify the goings on within the womb when life is being fearfully and wonderfully woven together. I'm looking for this set for my own children's education! I probably won't get the skull rendition of teddy bear, however, I also applaud a very seemingly original idea.


R.Dress said…
What's your VP on evolution buddy?
That's a question alright! I adhere to the Intelligent Design theory from a scientific point of view, however, the question always leads to...

Where did the first life form come from. As we know, matter and energy cannot be created(by us for sure) and something cannot come from nothing (I've been waiting for the suit case of $1000 bills to materialize before my very eyes and then I put it in the bank!)

So ultimately, I think a Creator was involved, whom isn't bound within our space and time, an engineer from the otherside. But this cannot be scientifically proven, however, from the observation of the simplest forms of life, bacterium, one finds motors and gears present for the flagella to move and give mobility... these really cannot work unless all parts are present, like a motor bike needs its chain to move. Evolution would develop these over time..however the motorcycle never works until the chain, spark plugs, pistons, cams, lifters, carbuerator(all its parts), etc are in place.

Nevertheless, neither can be proven with our scientific methods, so we fall back to the utmost simplicity of...

One has faith in creator based something from nothing, and the other has faith on nothing based something from nothing!
Vee (Scratch) said…
I don't think I've seen anything like that before! Great idea, but may scare children.

Unknown said…
could be scary to children, especially the skull version, however I think, if a parent is really training up their child in the way they should go... then, reality is a good tool for teaching, albeit at the right maturity level. I don't find the stages of life set scary, just a great springboard to the wonder of life!

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