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Showing posts from 2011

to carry.

Small humans less of age fit nicely into wagons being pulled by larger humans more of age. Smiles are found at the happy expense of the larger human. But perhaps the larger human could modify the wagon into something more personalized.. maybe lower the ride height for the simple pleasure of changing the status quo. Humans are like wagons and they need to be modified from the world status quo into something that can promote smiles.

an eternity since last post.

Its been not quite an eternity, but long enough for many beautiful and temporal creations to blossom. Confederate Motorcycles have been pushing the limits of motorcycledom for sometime now, but until now they didn't completely break the bounds. The P-120 Fighter is a ground up venture carved from aluminum by way of cnc machine. Completely CAD designed with intentions other than comfort or familiarity in mind. Much aircraft inspired work went into this design and the frame and engine are actually bolted to get for a structural union of the 160 HP! This simplicity sadly comes at a very high cost, but then anything outta of the main stream seems to cost more, but once obtained definitely satisfies more. Mainstream religion is similar to the mass production of anything, it gets cheaper the more that are made until its so familiar nothing else would be accepted.. hence unless your belief costs you something more that a saturday or sunday morning then it probably doesn't a...