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Showing posts from March, 2008

stages of teddy bear life

Artist Stephanie Metz does a wonderful service to life with this incredible idea. The stages of development from a teddy bears perspective, in which children, might gain an understanding of the miracle of life. What an imaginative way to simplify the goings on within the womb when life is being fearfully and wonderfully woven together. I'm looking for this set for my own children's education! I probably won't get the skull rendition of teddy bear, however, I also applaud a very seemingly original idea.

The eternal cow..

I grew up in a small small town in south Texas. As long as I can remember, this cow has been ever present. About two years ago I ended up bringing my family to my hometown to bid a farewell to my great Aunt Ina who passed on into eternity. Well, wouldn't you know that this cow was there, staring out into eternity, as it has always done...not looking a day older or younger. The restuarant is in decay, yet the cow remains mostly unscathed.